I’m a sensitive man, so how can I stop getting hurt in relationships?

Your irrational behaviour probably stems from trauma – come to terms with that first, says Mariella FrostrupThe dilemma My friends think my behaviour is leading me in a vicious circle in...

Dear New Moms, You Don’t Have To Do All The Things Or Please All...

I was a brand-new mom, and my son, 4 months old at the time, had been sleeping horribly. He was a baby, so bad sleep is to be expected to some extent,...

22 Questions to Ask Your Spouse Once a Year

When you’ve been married for a long time, it’s easy to slip into a daily routine and familiar lifestyle and forget that you might not necessarily be meeting all of your...

All Your Friendship Questions, Answered

We constantly talk about our partners and our breakups, our marriages and our divorces. But friendship — its beginning, occasional end, and every problem in between — can be harder to...

10 Hilariously Spot-On Quotes About Parenting from Celebrity Moms

Even the rich and famous aren’t immune to the craziness of motherhood.Celebrity moms—they’re just like us! At least when it comes to commiserating about the quirks of parenthood, that is. From...

Surprising Dating Advice for Finding Love After 40

If you’re single and over 40, chances are your BFF, your parents, your siblings, and maybe even the stranger in the checkout line, are all offering you their unsolicited dating advice. While...

It’s 2019. Who Told My Eight-Year-Old Daughter If a Boy Is Mean to You,...

Your first crush is a rite of passage. The fixations that follow it are just life. Nervous, awkward, sublime. Disastrous. Transcendent. Here, we celebrate infatuations, obsessions, and passions in all their exquisite splendor....

Cat Person author Kristen Roupenian: ‘Dating is caught up in ego, power and control’

Her short story was read by millions online – then things got weird. The writer talks about viral fame, power games and her new collection of twisted talesKristen Roupenian’s short...

Poundland’s engagement ring: who says romance is dead?

They’re being sold as fun placeholders – so the couple can then choose together. But with money tight and marriage in decline, maybe they’re the real dealGood news for all...

Men prefer younger women not for their firmer bodies – but their greater admiration

The French novelist Yann Moix claims a 50-year-old woman’s body is unlovable, unlike a 25-year-old’s. But the truth is that the young tend to respect the old – and that is...

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