10 Hilariously Spot-On Quotes About Parenting from Celebrity Moms

Even the rich and famous aren’t immune to the craziness of motherhood.Celebrity moms—they’re just like us! At least when it comes to commiserating about the quirks of parenthood, that is. From...

All Your Friendship Questions, Answered

We constantly talk about our partners and our breakups, our marriages and our divorces. But friendship — its beginning, occasional end, and every problem in between — can be harder to...

How we live together: the single parent who moved in with Mum and Dad

Three generations under one roof: how’s that working out?Helen As a single parent, I couldn’t get a mortgage. Meanwhile, my parents were having trouble selling their house, so me moving in...

Men prefer younger women not for their firmer bodies – but their greater admiration

The French novelist Yann Moix claims a 50-year-old woman’s body is unlovable, unlike a 25-year-old’s. But the truth is that the young tend to respect the old – and that is...

Domestic abuse survivors and children sleeping rough, survey finds

Women unable to get refuge place also having to sofa-surf or stay with abuserSurvivors of domestic abuse and their children are being forced to sleep rough as they struggle to find...

Home alone with the baby… and gruesome Scandi crime drama

Parenting tasks are multiplied by two, banana pulp is everywhere – but at least there’s TV murderFor the first time since my son was born, I am parenting alone. My...

Maximizing Tax Savings with Expert Consultation in Santa Ana

Introduction: Navigating Tax Complexities In today's intricate tax landscape, maximizing savings while ensuring compliance is paramount for individuals and businesses alike. With tax laws evolving continually, seeking expert consultation becomes indispensable. In...

Can too little sleep ruin your relationship?

Lack of shut-eye has long been linked to a range of serious health problems. Now a study confirms that it can also be at the root of strife between couplesIs...

22 Questions to Ask Your Spouse Once a Year

When you’ve been married for a long time, it’s easy to slip into a daily routine and familiar lifestyle and forget that you might not necessarily be meeting all of your...

I Don’t Want My Peanut-Allergic Son to Attend This Birthday Party

Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Email careandfeeding@slate.com or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.Dear Care and Feeding,My 3-year-old was just invited to...

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